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[Review by Seven] Another fat issue, with one small innovation: articles can have backgrounds ANSIS, which is hard on the eyes in a few articles, and they don't scroll along when flipping pages which feels a bit wrong at the start, if you're used to the old way :) Phred/PAiN interviews Fred/Calodox, and we learn more about Diver/Adrenalin too. The Tech Corners are becoming more and more polular it seems: the ugly details of textmode and the PCX-fileformat are explained, the plasma of the last issue is optimized in ASM, and musicians can learn how to make their own samples instead of ripping. The charts are there too, but only 14 people bothered to vote, and even then Furball has to warn those that their votes will be ignored if they don't start to vote fairly (as in: not just for jour own group/friends). The title screen shows a stylish logo with a simple Swiss flag. less.. |
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