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PAiN Issue 05/97

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[Review by Seven] Yep, it's definitly Keel Like Frog's soundengine that goes bonkers: the music is played waaay too fast. This issue has 2 articles more than the previous, albeit with a few tricks: the vote- and the opinion-parts of the charts are split in 2 articles, and the editorial is added twice, the second time with explanations because some readers were getting confused by Furball's use of irony :) A new swiss group is announced: Calodox (ever heard about them? :)) Another article explains DVD, the data medium of the future, and wonders if any home user will ever have enough data to fill one. Three tech corners (my favorite article) learn you everything about 3D basics, fake 18-bit RGB modes and how to make a plasma with the help of the VGA-registers. Besides the very nice title screen with a sun, and a "blue sky + grass"-Logo, the charts now also have an ANSI-screen (unsurprisingly with a "CHARTS"-logo)


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