Warning: Undefined variable $PHP_SELF in /srv/hosted/pain/sites/pain.scene.org/show_issue.php on line 38
[Review by Seven] They didn't manage to keep their promise: this issue is released two days late. But the title screen is cool (big green head). The music is an Asm'95 4-channel entry, with guitar and trumpet. Not bad but too short and hence it becomes boring. Since the engine uses the old soundsystem again, you need 572K mem free (reboot to pure DOS :/ ). There are 12 articles, including a small Mekka party report, an interview with Furball and a comparision of 4 DOS-extenders. Also the first Buenzli party is announced, and the first appearance of PAiN on the internet. less.. |
download from www.scene.org [http]
download from ftp.no.scene.org [ftp, direct link]
download from ftp.chscene.ch [ftp, direct link]