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PAiN Issue 07/95

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[Review by Unlock] After something like 3 months of delay, another issue is out. The first thing I notice is, that my GUS is not recognized correctly. After restarting PAiN with the /c option it works. In the editorial you can read, that PAiN now features a perfect DMF-player. That must also be the reason for my problems. The next change can be noticed in the True-Rumours corner: The font formerly only used in the menu is now also used in articles. Generally this issue seems to be crowded with adverts: Silly Internet Adresses, How to get cheap and silly hardware (Media Market advert), the usual ads corner, LaserQuest, etc. Not that world moving actually. Something more interesting is the new PAiN Quality Control which consists of reviews of the Swiss releases of the last month. The isses also features two galleries. Accessing the first one causes a deadlock of the PC, so no review on it. The second one is called The Looser Galleries and features lotsa picturs from the last LaserQuest. The music is quite okay and doesn't enerve you.


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