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PAiN Issue 02/95

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The first thing I note within this issue is the music, naturally. Silent Mode is back with some fast and not really diskmag-fitting technoid soundtrack. Starting off with the usual news and overviews we find quite a nice article: PAiNdrink of the month. Not a bad idea, and wasn't Anubis (the author) the one with the alcohol problem from the last issue? This one is followed by an invitation to the 1995' Saturne Party in France, a first-help article for the elites, more poems and finally again: The charts. But this is not all yet, there is a review on drugs, three articles on how to be even more elite (which slowly starts to annoy me, since the want-to-be-a-elite people from back then who were writing these articles had kind of weird humour. The whole 31337-behaviour is not really appropriate anymore these days.) and more. This is a total of 21 articles which is really not bad, especially since people seem to like PAiN according to the comments to be read in the mag and the support they got. The titlescreen looked a bit like a predefined font from The Draw (for those who don't remember, this is a great ANSI drawing program).


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